Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Upside down in Batgirl jammies....

Last week, i dreamt of friendly cockroaches in Venice...this morning, i woke following a rather disturbing dream in which everything was upside down. It was as though i was watching a television while standing on my head. uncomfortable much? hell,i even woke *feeling* uncomfortable because of it. Odd and definitely a new subconscious experience.

Now,onward to the artwork related happenings of the previous week.(i am trying to make this blog at least a bi-weekly habit hmmmm ). So,i purchased fresh new panels, finally had a few art prints made of current favorite paintings... played with my "studio" art nude experiments.. and acquired a new re-usable bag to add to my collection (extra points for it being a BLICK bag!!!) oooh! ooh ooh! mustn't forget my new Batgirl pajamas. Sketching in my Batgirl pajamas raises my badass geeky girl-artist quotient right??

Moving on... i finally wrapped by talons around Richard Milward's "Ten Storey Lovesong".Surprise surprise, it failed. Premise? Broke,druggy artist makes it big while neighbors and friends self-destruct around him,tastes fame and realizes that passion and the lovable dysfunction of the world he inhabits is truly what happiness is all about.
*yawn* sounds like an indy-fest movie script to me! Ah, but i did get a good lesson in British slang from it. My favorite new word: "Undercrackers"!

Ok..it is now 12:47 and this beast must sleep but before i go,i should mention that i will be participating in the "Undead Art Show" this summer. i have 3 pieces due in a month. OI!...a very happy "OI" but,an "OI!" nonetheless! Work work work!!! But first, i ZzZzzzZzzzzzz.......

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nekkid art and bad bookage

Since last i've posted...ive endured 512 pages of "bestseller" torture (oh, the sad sad SAD tastes of the general public!) and, have been inhaling/ handling far too many toxic chemicals....(petroleum distillates must somehow be less threatening when they are odorless am i right?)

i wont speak too much about my new colorful little brain-to-hand-paper vomits,because i am still very much in "OMG im making a mess, i dont know what the FRACK im doing but i love it WOOHOO!"mode so, slight peekage will suffice for now. i do have some plans brewing for this new mixed media venture...and in my head at least, the results appear to be fabulous

Now...onward to my pointless, odious mini-rant on "The Gargoyle" by Andrew Davidson. Good Lord, What exactly *is* is the demographic for this sort of genre? oh, thats right...sweater-set wearing, sexually dissatisfied housewife/soccer mommas. Only they could appreciate a premise as obnoxious as a tortured ex male-porn star who learns to LOVE a "mysterious" pseudo-sheherezadian stranger with tacky religious tattoos. Ohhhhh spare me. i would be much more beguiled by a 4 eyed midget wearing cowboy boots walking a cricket on a leash. I should write a novel...i can see the cover letter now...Dear Walmart,sell my crap to the hoardes...i wanna make my millions!

Thankfully, i have picked up a couple of new books which will hopefully spare me any further mental trauma . *pats paperbacks lovingly*.
Ok...off i go to return to sniffing toxins and getting pastel in questionable places.